Not that I 'went' anywhere, but I have definitely been neglectful in updating my blog! Not intentionally and not out of lack of things to post... just a lack of hours in the day!!
So, since the holidays we have been pretty busy. There are going to be several gaps, but I'm going to try and get everything caught up in a nutshell.

So the 7th/8th grade concert band played for the 7th grade basketball state tournament this year. The kids were almost as excited about doing this as if they were actually PLAYING in the tournament theirselves. It really was a big deal. This is them getting ready (again... sorry for the poor photography! I certainly did not miss my calling there!). Austin plays trumpet. He's standing in the back row.
And, there's Austin (5th from the left) blowing his little heart out. The band sounded great!! It was the first time they actually played "The Star Bangle Banner" for an audience. I was really impressed! I guess all that ear-deafening practice does pay off! They also played several upbeat songs (couldn't tell you the name of them) before each game and at each half-time. This was their second concert since the holidays, and they have one or two more before the end of the school year.