Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blogger bug

Not sure if I've been bitten by the blogger bug again or just boredom, but two posts in a 7-day period is certainly rare for me!

So, another Christmas has past and another year about to come to an end. As they say...time flies! Everyone had a fabulous holiday as usual. In keeping with tradition we spent Christmas Eve at my Aunt Bev's house eating too much, opening gifts, and playing games.

Austin helping his grandma with one of her gifts.

Christmas morning started bright and early at our house with Austin tearing through gift after gift (he told me later I went a little overboard--good to know he hasn't lost sight of what the season is all about. And, I thought I was scaling back!). He loved everything he got, was surprised by a few of his gifts, but I think his favorites were some of the least expensive gifts he received (t-shirts from Spencer's he'd asked for--which, by the way, were some of my least favorite to buy! lol)! His tastes are certainly changing! After we opened gifts at our house we went down to the in-laws for more of the same.The rest of the day was nice and relaxing. Austin spent the afternoon at his dad's, coming home just in time for dinner. Only thing left to do take him shopping to spend all his gift cards! lol!

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday!

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