Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Spring Break!!
I'll try to get some good pics at today's track meet to post later. Happy Spring everyone!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Austin's 15th birthday

Monday, February 15, 2010
Basketball wrap-up
Which means...track will be just around the corner...
(My new camera is ordered and will hopefully be here soon so I can post more pics!)
Blues vs. Blackhawks
Aside from losing my camera (yes...being a glass-is-half-full kinda person I'm choosing the word "lost" even though my aunt insists it was stolen since I knew exactly where it was, then exactly where it wasn't...), we all had a lot of fun. Pics are courtesy of my cousin. :)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Freshman b-ball

Friday, January 1, 2010
Game night!

This is Austin and I in a head to head competition (look at the concentration! lol!!), and oh yeah... I got the win! He was so sure he would take his mom out which made the win that much sweeter!! (Not that we're competitive or anything...lol!)
We wrapped the evening up by watching the ball drop (wouldn't be New Year's without that, right?), and called it a night. It was a good time (and I'd say that even if the girls hadn't won!). It's New Year's Day now and we're spending the day taking the Christmas decorations down, clearing clutter and organizing. A nice clean start to the new year. And, who knows...maybe I'll be a little better about updating my blog in 2010. (But, don't hold your breath! lol!!)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Blogger bug

Austin helping his grandma with one of her gifts.
Christmas morning started bright and early at our house with Austin tearing through gift after gift (he told me later I went a little overboard--good to know he hasn't lost sight of what the season is all about. And, I thought I was scaling back!). He loved everything he got, was surprised by a few of his gifts, but I think his favorites were some of the least expensive gifts he received (t-shirts from Spencer's he'd asked for--which, by the way, were some of my least favorite to buy! lol)! His tastes are certainly changing! After we opened gifts at our house we went down to the in-laws for more of the same.The rest of the day was nice and relaxing. Austin spent the afternoon at his dad's, coming home just in time for dinner. Only thing left to do now...is take him shopping to spend all his gift cards! lol!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday!